About Me
Meet Matthew Enderle
![Matt in the Ocean](/imgs/matt.jpg)
Hello! I'm Matthew L. Enderle. I'm a Web Developer specializing in Full-stack development. Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including JavaScript, SQL, PHP, and Python. I have a strong background in project management and customer relations.
I originally started with website design back in 2006 when my Uncle Troy showed me Microsoft FrontPage 2003. I started by designing the website for our family-ran elk ranch.
Later on, I was brought onto the Lomira School District Technology team and I started writing several Windows Batch scripts to automate the process for creating new accounts for students. This is where my love for automation started.
After joining the U.S Air Force in 2013, I was exposed to larger systems which were significantly more complicated. I had to learn how the RC-135V/W RIVET JOINT aircraft operates in order to become a flying computer systems technician and operator. This also gave me the opportunity to learn how multiple computer networks interact with each other, across the world, and on classified networks.
Since then, I have taken up the hobby of making Embroidered Patches. I ran into a few parts of it that I hated, notably matching colors to embroidery thread/yarn was a pain. So I researched color matching methods and found the CIE 2000 process and created a Python GUI script that converted the colors. Later on, I created a full fledged web app (threadconverter.com) and was receiving 1-2k unique users a month.
After realizing that I had something that the public wanted, I ended up remaking the web app and repackaged it as a SaaS. It uses Supabase for user authentication and the database, and users can store thier results and other data that is pertinant to thier business. You can find this SaaS at EmbroideryNerd.io.